Monday 21 July 2014


School has started and the jet lag is over. It was nice having an excuse to not do things but I can't keep that excuse forever, i'll have to think of a new one.
I thought it was weird when I saw my friend still had her watch on Australian time when she was back in Germany,now I totally understand. It's not that I am too lazy to change it (well perhaps that aswell) but it feels like I still belong in Germany. I tell my brother I can't play soccer for too long because 'The Germans' will have their morning break soon, I look at my watch and think "oh the Germans will be awake soon". I haven't quite managed to totally pull myself away from it and its getting harder to live two lives at once.
Today I had my first day back at Orana, it was weird going back there after being at a completely different school in Germany. I knew I was definitely back at Orana when the teacher said "Now, we're going on a walk, I want you to collect 10 different types of leaves", so off we went on our nice morning walk.
The thing I struggled most with at the school in Germany was that the students had no connection with the teachers. The teachers didn't care about the students personal life at all, they didn't even ask where I was from or how long I was staying for. They do their job and as long as the students get good marks and do the work, nothing else matters. If the students fall behind, that's their problem, they can organize a tutor or leave the school is needs be.  It was so nice coming back today and talking to a teacher the whole morning break about my experiences and just having a nice chat without it being weird that I was a student and she was a teacher.
Something that I found really strange was last year the teacher said, "It affects your learning when you are in shoe box sort of classroom or one of these classrooms filled with different shapes,sizes and colours". I seriously thought they were mad. As if it had anything to do with learning, it's just Steiner that wants the buildings to look weird. After sitting in a shoe box for 6 months I really noticed the difference. It's almost like they don't want you to imagine things with your learning, its all straight until you get the right answer, there is no poking about and slowly coming to the answer. Where as at Orana the teachers take in the different opinions and through discussing the different aspects of it, come to the right answer. There is no straight forward "no". I think the learning space has something to do with it, you don't feel so enclosed and narrow minded, you have the freedom to think. It's something I missed a lot, even the school in general. The one in Germany was simple but ugly, it was a place to learn and nothing more, in my opinion there is more to school.
I have to say it was almost the best feeling having all the classes in English, everything seems to be a breeze now. The day was shorter because I didn't have to concentrate and translate everything in my mind, it was great. I made a deal with myself that I would be really switched on and start my assignments and homework...lets see how long I last.
I know this post seems short considering I am comparing the two completely different types of schools but it's only my first day back so there will be more :)

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