Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Another visit to Portugal

Last time I wrote about my time in Portugal it started with 'Portugal. A place which I can't quite work out even after spending a week there'
Nothing has changed since, I  still can't work it out. I saw a different part of Portugal this time and that was the city, it was beautiful. A little bit like Paris with the atmosphere being full of life, the buildings were similar, the metro and all the tourists. The week was spent at my host families holiday house with another family who were staying nearby.The days were spent relaxing by the pool and on the beach. The water was still way to cold for someone from Australia but I managed to go swimming nearly everyday.  We arrived in Lisbon (the capital of Portugal) late in the afternoon on Saturday and spent one night there as we were flying back to Germany early the next morning. It was amazing to see how much life there is late in the night. We watched Germany vs Ghana in a pub (I have to say its pretty good being 16). Here is a photo of what it was like in the pub:

Every single night I had problems with mosquitoes. It was the most annoying thing ever, I would wake up to a buzzing in my ear between 12:00-3:00am  and spend an hour trying to kill the stupid things. Sometimes I managed but other times I went crazy and gave up. After a week of living with the stupid insects i came to the weird conclusion that they have personalities. Some of them were REALLY annoying and wouldn't leave me alone but other ones would buzz in my ear, maybe bite me and then leave.There were hungry ones which weren't too annoying, they just bit me on my face or hands and then left. There were also sneaky ones which hid under the bed so I couldn't find them when I turned the light on and then they would come out again. One night I went crazy and took a photo of one of the bites because it was so itchy, I looked at the details of the photo and it was taken exactly at 2:46am.I have no idea what I was thinking but here is the photo (it's pretty disgusting): 

And here is a video of someone we listened to on the street. He had an amazing voice and deserves to be recognized.  Sorry about the quality,I'm not the worlds best filmer:

 It was a perfect holiday to end my stay here. I am not in a writing mood so I'll post more pictures instead. The months are coming to an end and now its only weeks, I can't believe it but that will be in another post still to come.
The pool at the holiday house 

I thought it would be cool to get a photo of someone surfing with the view behind
them but unfortunately the waves weren't very good.  

This was a spot on the beach which was out of the sun and also out of the wind. 

Here is Lisbon

Another photo of the swimming pool 

And lastly these cool statues we climbed on which was also in Lisbon

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