Thursday, 12 June 2014


I can now delete my last post, my laptop has decided to be nice to me.

"You don't need to pack summer clothes, you wont be getting a real summer and it's not going to hot." Said the mother as her daughter left for Germany for 5 and a half months; 6 weeks being in summer.
so, what did I do? I packed one down jacket, one woolen jacket and another jacket. As well as over 5 pairs of long pants, what was I actually thinking?
The past few days have been horrible, it has been between 35-40 degrees Celsius. Luckily there is a public pool close by and its perfect for a nice cool down. It's hard to work out if people are in a bad mood from the heat or the amount of French people who take over the place, i'm thinking its a bit of both.What annoyed me most were the people smoking, just sitting there surrounded by kids and the smoke is blowing in everyone's faces. It's such an issue here but it doesn't really get to many people.  Its so great to listen to the Germans complain about the French. Breisach (where i am staying) is right on the border of Germany and France, so as you can imagine there are plenty of French. They all shop here because its cheaper but not only do they do that, they only speak French. When Germans go to France they speak French but when French people come here they speak French and don't attempt German.

It is now holidays for two weeks which is good in a way but on the other hand I have had to cure my boredom for the past week. Everyone seems to go away in these holidays instead of the summer holidays because its not so busy.  I'll go to Portugal on Friday so no more posts for a week but I am thinking of writing a day journal so i'll see how that goes and then post it when i get back.
you can be jealous, I'm sure most of you are sitting home freezing

Yesterday I decided to cure my boredom by going for a two hour bike ride. It was extremely hot but I wanted to do some sort of excise. I had no idea where I was going but I just decided to go straight and see where I would end up. I didn't end up in an interesting place because I was dying of thirst and had to turn around but I decided to take a photo:

Talk to you all in a week, goodbye for now :) 

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